Urologist Questions Urologist

Do I have herpes and what can I do?

I’ve been celibate for a while but got sexually active with this one girl. She didn’t inform me ahead of time but she revealed to me that she had HSV-2. We had sex one time and I had a condom on for about 3 minutes and then took it off for about 4 mins. Something had interrupted us and we had stopped. She says she takes medicine but the type you take is only when you feel an outbreak about to happen. A little time later I was like f it and took a test. It came back (HSV-1 .94) and (HSV-2 <.91) I don’t know what’s going on and need answers. I have none of the symptoms yet so much worry. The question I pretty much have is do you think I have herpes and can you even get HSV-1 from 2. We were talking for a month, kissed a few times, and had sex that one time and it wasn’t even for long.

Male | 18 years old

1 Answer

It appears from the test results that you are positive for HSV type one. 90% of American adults are positive and this is just typical of having been exposed to a cold sore on the lips or a fever blister, etc., that’s nothing to worry about. Your HSV type two results were negative, so it appears at this time that you have not developed antibodies to this virus and so may not have been exposed to it yet. Meantime, you’re just extremely worried about it and that is very understandable, but at this point we can do about it… I really do help symptoms that would be a painful spot on your genitals and then it would turn into a painful water blister. We can always attend a local county health clinic or hook up with your primary care provider.