Bariatric Surgeon Questions Bariatric Surgeon

Do you have to taper off Phentermine dosage to quit after only 2 weeks of taking it?

I have been taking Phentermine to help with weight loss for the last 14 days, and at first, I was feeling great. However, I can tell now that my body is not happy with it, and I don't want to risk my health. I'd like to quit cold turkey, because this is the first time I have ever taken any amphetamine, and it's only been two weeks. is that safe?

Female | 43 years old
Complaint duration: 5 days
Medications: Phentermine
Conditions: Polyglandular Auotimmune Syndrome I, Chronic candidaisis, Arthritis

1 Answer

You do. It have to taper off phentermine to stop it. Cold turkey is safe. Congratulations on your weight loss efforts and on listening to your body.
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