Audiologist Questions Speech Language Pathologist

Does hearing affect your speech?

My daughter has bad hearing. Does hearing affect your speech?

4 Answers

Hi there, Hearing definitely can affect speech. Depending on age and language development of when the loss occurred, different types of deficiencies of speech can be observed. Do get your daughter checked out by an audiologist, and recommendations for interventions can be made from there.
Yes, having poor hearing can affect speech and language development in children. In addition, in the geriatric population newer research has shown that it can have significant impact on the development of dementia.
Hello and thank you for this most important question. The answer is a resounding YES! If a child cannot hear well as they are trying to learn language, they have no resources for that auditory feedback. When we produce the sounds in our speech, we can hear that we are producing them correctly or incorrectly. If your child has hearing loss, its imperative that you address the issue immediately and if need be, also consult with a speech language pathologist. Good luck!
Hearing can impact speech sound production as well as language acquisition. See for typical milestones. If you have concerns, see a speech-language pathologist for an evaluation.