Emergency Medicine Questions Emergency Physician

Facial Numbness and Twitching and Tinnitus A day later after a covid shot?

Hello, I'm contacting you because I'm worried about my symptoms, about a day later or so I had started to experience facial numbness and tingling during the night, afterward I had tinnitus. I'm not sure if I should see a doctor or go to the hospital.

Male | 21 years old
Complaint duration: may 30 2000
Medications: non
Conditions: non

2 Answers

I am concerned about this problem you have. You should let your doctor know about this. Whether or not it is vaccination related can be difficult to sort out. If it is vaccination related, your regular doctor should enter it in your medical records. Take care.
Do see a doctor. You may have Meniere's disease, Bell's palsy, a mild trigeminal neuralgia, or other cranial nerve disorder. It is unlikely to be due to the vaccine, but there have been rare cases of Bell's palsy associated with the vaccine.
Thanks for the question!

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