Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopedist

How do you treat a swollen heel?

I have swollen heel and want to fix it. How do you treat a swollen heel?

12 Answers

For a comprehensive assessment and personalized treatment plan, schedule an appointment with Dr. Loor. You can easily book online at joseloorpodiatry.com or call (646) 631-8861.
First you have to figure out why it is "swollen". Have you tried soaking in an ice bath for a few minutes or using an ice pack to see if the swelling decreases, tried pain creams like Aspercreme or changed shoe gear recently? If the signs are similar to 'Plantar Fasciitis" look it up on the web, then also look up home remedies for further guidance. Otherwise if the swelling continues see your doctor for more advice or referral to a specialist.
Best way to treat swelling is with ice 20 minutes out of the hour. More importantly, you should follow up with your local podiatrist to find the cause of the swelling.
Easy answer is ice, anti-inflammatory medicine, and some compression with an ACE bandage. Further treatment depends on why there is swelling.
Ice, elevation, antiinflammatories. Seek professional help if not better in
A swollen heel can signify many things. The first step is to get an x-ray. At Cella Foot and Ankle Specialty we would take x-rays as well as utilize an ultrasound machine to verify if there are any significant pathologies. A clinical exam would be needed to assess the situation.
Need to determine what is causing the swelling before initiating a treatment.
generally ice and elevation, however, depending on the injury also have to make sure its not broken with x rays
The answer is it depends on the root cause of the heel being swollen. There are many causes, I recommend that you see a local podiatrist have an evaluation and x-ray.
For swelling, we recommend ice and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories to decrease or control the problem.
Begin with rest, ice and elevation. I recommend you make an appointment with a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) for evaluation, diagnosis and treatment options