Ophthamologist Questions Ophthalmologist

How long after cataract surgery do floaters go away?

I have floaters after cataract surgery. How long after cataract surgery do floaters go away?

2 Answers

Your floaters are "debris" in the vitreous that you see because they cast a shadow onto your retina. Depending upon the size and the weight of these floaters, some of them may settle to the point that you do not notice them. Others still may remain in your line of sight and you should try to ignore them.
If you do notice any new floaters, have any "starburst or lightning bolt" effects, any pain, clouds or curtains coming over your vision, or any loss of vision, you should have been made aware by your eye doctor, that these signs could be vitreous or retinal issues and you should contact your eye doctor ASAP. It may be just a matter of time until your eyes and your vision become "normal" to you but this will definitely depend upon your age, your general and visual health, medications you are taking, and any other health conditions that you are dealing with such as high blood pressure or diabetes. If you have any concerns at any time, again, please contact your eye doctor. It is always better to be safe earlier than later. Good luck and best wishes.
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