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How long after toe surgery can I wear shoes?

I will have toe surgery. How long after toe surgery can I wear shoes?

12 Answers

This depends greatly on the specific surgery and implants.
It depends on what was done and your pain tolerance. Your doctor can give you a better idea based on what was done.
Usually around four or six weeks is a typical timeframe
Depends on what kind of surgery was performed. Toenail surgery heals faster than bone surgery. Get Outlook for iOS<https://aka.ms/o0ukef>
Depending upon the actual procedure performed, it may take 2-8 weeks to be back in supportive type footwear. It could be longer for dress shoes.
Hi! This all depends on healing and the type of procedure. Bone takes 6-8 weeks to heal.
4 weeks
The answer is "it depends", it depends on the type of toe surgery, location, surgeon preference, technique, etc. please ask this question on your consultation with your doctor.
This will depend on the procedure performed. I recommend you discuss with your surgeon
Patients usually return to athletic shoes, or sneakers, anywhere between 4 to 8 weeks after toe surgery. With the guidance of your foot surgeon, the timing of the transition from offloading shoes/boots to athletic shoes is largely dependent on how extensive the toe surgery was, if the incision has completely healed and how the patient's post operative recovery has progressed.
That depends on what procedures and necessary to fix your specific pathology.
Every patient is different and depending on the surgery it can be from 6 weeks to 12 weeks before most patients can return to regular shoe gear.