Dental Hygienist Questions Implant Dentistry

How long does it take for gum to heal after an implant?

I will get an implant. How long does it take for gum to heal after an implant?

1 Answer

Thank you for your question.
In our practice we prepare the body for an optimal healing by eliminating or treating conditions that can cause delayed healing like decay, periodontal disease, occlusal issues, TMJ. In addition we strengthen the immune system and treat the stress with supplements, energy medicine, and use of ozone and Vit C Ivs. We offer several options after the surgery for treatment of pain, minimizing swelling and speeding up the regeneration like lymphatic massage, scenar treatment, low level laser treatment, Cell oscillators, reiki balancing blanket. We haven't prescribed opioids for the last 15 years Our patients sometimes do not take any pain medication.