Dental Hygienist Questions Dentist

How long is a deep dental cleaning?

I will have a deep dental cleaning. How long is a deep dental cleaning?

7 Answers

It depends on many factors: the stage of the periodontal disease that you present, the ability of the Hygienist, and how old and hard the " build-ups" are. But, it is your preference too; if you don't like a long appointment, you can request an hour appointment, and if it is needed, schedule more than one.
A deep dental cleaning can take under an hour. It depends on your overall gingival (gum) health and how long it has been since you have had a cleaning and how well you have cleaned your teeth at home. It is assumed you are not referring to a deep periodontal scaling which could take longer, or might be divided up into sections of the teeth and thus require more than one appointment to complete. If you see your dentist regularly, say every 6 months, and your teeth are otherwise healthy, then you will have little problem with a deep dental cleaning. DENTIST
A deep cleaning or scaling and root planning is usually scheduled in 2-4 visits depending on severity. Usually can be 1-1.5 hours a visit. After rinse with warm salt water. You jaw and gums will be sore and teeth might be sensitive to cold but nothing should last longer than 1 day.
typically 30-45 minutes per quadrant
It depends how many teeth and how many surfaces of these teeth require deep cleaning. It can range from a 30 minute appointment to several hour long appointments at other times.
can vary from 1 hour to 2 hours
Is depending on the dental visit