Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

How long is bed rest for a herniated disc?

I was diagnosed with a disc hernia. How long is bed rest for a herniated disc?

5 Answers

Well, you would need treatment I am a Disc Specialist. These are the conditions I treat every day in my office. You don't need bed rest when you get the proper treatment such as we do. Sometimes or I should say most of the time bed rest is not recommended.  
The recommended duration of bed rest for a herniated disc can vary, but as a chiropractor, I advise against prolonged bed rest. Here are some guidelines based on a chiropractic perspective: - Initial Rest: A short period of rest, about 1-2 days, may be beneficial to alleviate acute pain. However, it's crucial to avoid prolonged inactivity. - Gentle Movement: Early introduction of gentle movements and stretches can help in reducing pain and improving mobility. It's important to avoid activities that exacerbate the pain. - Chiropractic Care: Regular chiropractic adjustments can be effective in managing pain and facilitating a quicker recovery. These adjustments help in maintaining spinal alignment and improving overall function. - Exercise and Rehabilitation: Incorporating specific exercises to strengthen the muscles supporting the spine and improve flexibility can aid in the recovery process and prevent future episodes. Always consult with a healthcare professional to tailor a treatment plan that is appropriate for your specific condition.
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Bed rest does heal a herniated disc.
I don’t recommend bed rest for a disc hernia. Move slow and easy and see a chiropractor
Strict bed rest is not indicated now with a herniated disc. Relative rest, gentle motion, and stretch are all so important. Bed rest can be counter productive.