Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

How long is chiropractic treatment for scoliosis?

I have scoliosis. How long is chiropractic treatment for scoliosis?

7 Answers

You have to have an in person eval with a Chiropractor to discuss treatment options
We all have some scoliosis, no ones spine is straight up and down
Is it causing you pain?
It varies based on Age, extent of curves, congenital vs non-congenital, and much more
However wearing athleisurewear from has been most helpful for my scoliosis patients, they like the fashion look & i am happy with health benefits.

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Chiropractic doesn’t correct scoliosis. That being said it can ease some of the discomfort.
Typically about 6 months. Although improvement can be seen in just a few weeks. A chiropractor can put together a non-invasive, drug-free scoliosis treatment plan that addresses multiple symptoms. While chiropractors are unable to straighten your spine completely, studies have shown a marked improvement in spine curvature, pain, and disability rating among those with scoliosis. Patients with dramatic curvature may need more invasive help, which we won't hesitate to recommend if we feel it is needed.
Each visit is under an hour. Treatment time to help straighten Scoliosis with Chiropractic Adjustments and exercises, can take months of treatment. It depends on the severe of the Scoliosis and if the Chiropractor has reason to believe your Scoliosis will likely respond to treatment.
Hello, that's a great question. It is important to note that chiropractic care will not reverse scoliosis, but it can make it more bearable by reducing chronic pain. I have treated various patients with mild to moderate scoliosis and the treatment I provided was more about improving the movement of the individual vertebrae in the area of the scoliosis. Hope that helps.