Orthopedist Questions

How long should I take Axogurd Nt


I am asking this for my wife (25 years) who has consistent neck pain which radiates to the right arms, we had been to a specialist who suggested Axogurd NT and Hifenac P and this helped to manage the pain and decrease it.

However the doctor prescribed the tablets for 15 days, but the pain still reoccurs and she has been taking this tablet for over 20 days now.

She had a prior disc bulge in L4 and L5 disc in the lower back but now it is healed. The pain in the neck and right still persists.

She is complaining of weight gain and constipation. Her Vitamin and calcium levels are normal.

Is there a risk to taking this medicine further and what should be done next?

Female | 25 years old
Complaint duration: 1.5 months
Medications: Axogurd NT and Hiphenac P
Conditions: Cervical Radiculopathy

2 Answers

Before stopping any medications you should consult your doctor. I would also recommend a consultation with an orthopaedic specialist to rule out either a problem with your wife's shoulder or possible her neck, Either one could be causing her neck pain but at her young age I would consider the shoulder first. cbm Christopher B Michelsen, MD, FAOA, FAAOS, FACS Col (Ret) USA Professor (Emeritus) Orthopaedic Surgery Columbia University, College of P&S
How does Dr. Andriola respond he has no log in information can u send us/me the link: Ksully180@gmail.com Thanks! Kerry Sullivan Marketing Director www.mobilityboneandjoint.com Forwarding Email: Kerrry.Sullivan@mbji.com C: 617.645.5414