Dental Hygienist Questions Invisalign

How should I clean my Invisalign?

I got Invisalign 2 days ago. How should I clean my Invisalign?

12 Answers

You can get Invisalign Cleaning Crystals (Amazon or from your orthodontist) or some patients use regular denture cleaning crystals to get their retainers clean throughout the wear.
To clean Invisalign trays, start by rising them under lukewarm water to remove saliva and debris. Then, brush them gently using a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste, or specifically formulated Invisalign cleaning crystals. Avoid using hot water as it can warp the trays. Additionally, soaking the trays in a denture cleaner or a mixture of water and vinegar can help disinfect them. Remember to rinse the trays thoroughly before putting them back in your mouth.
Use the same tablet we use to clean the dentures
Brush them. Do not soak in mouthwash. Can stain them also if you can't brush them rinse them out and wipe with a paper towel
For great information about cleaning your aligners, go to: [ | ] Dr. Conrad
Clean your Invisalign by brushing them gently with a soft toothbrush and mild soap, then rinse thoroughly. Avoid hot water, which can deform them. Soak in Invisalign cleaning crystals or a denture cleaner for a deeper clean.
I use and recommend just a dab of toothpaste, brush and rinse.
There are two ways to clean your Invisalign clear aligner. Option #1: A regular tooth brush and liquid hand soap with cold water bush the surface of the aligner every day. Option #2: There are tablets cleaners like for example: Efferdent, Polydent, Brite, Retainer cleaners. You can buy this on amazon or in any pharmacy. Follow the instructions on the box
Use a really soft tooth brush and a little bit of dish soap for day to day cleaning then rinse the aligners with cold water.
1. Place in plastic case with your name, address and phone # on the inside when not wearing it. If it’s not in your mouth – it’s in the case!
2. Insert and remove VERY CAREFULLY, first from the back.
3. Take out when eating.
4. After eating brush your teeth
5. To clean your Retainer/Aligner: use a toothbrush, cold water and liquid hand soap. Make sure you rinse very well. You can also use denture/Retainer cleaner a few times a week to keep them sparkling.

1. Don’t put in a napkin/tissue. Someone my throw it out.
2. Don’t put in your pocket without a case.
3. Don’t leave around pets. They love chewing on them.
4. Don’t flip, flick or play with it in your mouth.
5. Don’t leave in the sun, boil it, or microwave it. (Yes, that happened)

Wear your Aligner as directed by your Doctor!

Wear your Retainer for the REST OF YOUR LIFE!
Brush with a soft toothbrush and luke warm water.... Not hot water.

Dr.Caroline / Your Dental Spa
You can clean your Clear Aligners or retainers in the future with a soft bristled toothbrush, warm water, and toothpaste. Or you can soak them for 15 minutes in denture tablet cleaner (such as Efferdent Mint flavor) and rinse well after soaking before putting them back in.