Cardiac Electrophysiologist Questions Cardiologist

How soon after the blocked arteries diagnosis do I need to have surgery?

I was diagnosed with blocked heart arteries. How soon after the blocked arteries diagnosis do I need to have surgery?

1 Answer

Depends.   What are your symptoms?  How debilitating are your symptoms?  What arteries are blocked?  How bad is the blockage?   If you are diabetic, get your blood sugar under control ASAP and keep it there.  If you are overweight, consider it a medical emergency that you lose some weight (it's your life we are trying to prolong.)  If you are a smoker (tobacco or marijuana) , stop smoking IMMEDIATELY.   If its your coronary (heart) arteries that are blocked, and you are having chest pain or tightness frequently, then get the procedure done ASAP before you have a heart attack.  If you have a severe blockage in your legs, then get something done before you develop gangrene in your foot or toes.    Hope this helps.
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