Orthopedic Surgeon (Orthopedist) Questions

I fell through my attic flooring 8ft down

I had pain that evening of fall that both my ribs sides were sore. Then they got better now I have a one bad pain upper right side under my right breast and it's been a few days now and it's constant painful spot who should I see for this problem from my injury? I broke my leg from the fall . It is uncomfortable to sleep on right side cause of the pain in my rib

Female | 50 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days

1 Answer

Interesting we have falling through attic in common I did that about 30 years ago but i caught my self on some cords and the rafters so I was lucky. You need a chest cat scan you may have fractured some ribs and could have blood or air built around your lungs. Your pcp should be able to order the test