Ophthalmologist Questions

I have a swollen left eye lid. I want to know if that serious? Or should I be worried?

My left eye lid is swollen and it pains a bit. It started off with mild pain on the eye lid for past two days. And since yesterday it started to swell. Today it is swollen.

Female | 31 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days
Medications: Eye drops

4 Answers

It might well be a plugged oil gland in the eyelid. Generally these respond to warm compresses 2-3 times daily. If worsening good idea to have an exam with a local doc.
It looks like you might be getting an early chalazion of that eyelid. Start warm compresses 2-3 times a day followed by gentle massage.
Looks and sounds infectious Contact with antibiotic drops add warm tap water compresses 10 minutes 3times daily. If no improvement in 24 hours seek consultation with an ophthalmologist.
It is likely a stye which is a clogged infected eyelid gland. The fact that it is possibly spreading through your lid can be more serious and this could be preseptal cellulitis. The immediate treatment is warm compresses to the lid. You also may need oral antibiotics to treat. If not improving or continuing to progress you need to see an eye care professional.