Dermatologist Questions

I would like to know if anemia is the cause of my hair loss?

For the past few weeks I had been having severe headaches and felt really tired (I was taking 5 hour naps during the day), I was also really dizzy and noticed a lot of hair loss. I had blood tests last week and I have anemia (Hb at 81 g/L and ferritin at 1.4 ug/L). I just received my first iron transfusion a few days ago. I would like to know if anemia is the cause of my hair loss?

Female | 30 years old
Complaint duration: month

1 Answer

It most likely is. Anemia is a well known cause of telogen effluvium, which I believe is that type of hair loss that you are experiencing. The good news is that it will get better when the anemia improves.