Internal Medicine | Hepatology Questions Hepatologist

Is a fatty liver serious?

I was diagnosed with a fatty liver. Is a fatty liver serious?

1 Answer

A fatty liver is by no means lethal. It just means that your liver is not processing fat as it should, and the fat builds up. It is treatable by altering your diet. I would stay away from fried foods or anything with lots of oil, and drink lots of water to flush as much fat out of your bloodstream as possible, since the liver filters your blood. I have the same condition. It's called "Steatorrhea" in medical terms. In my case, it began when I had my gallbladder removed. The gallbladder stores biles, which is produced in the liver. Bile is transported by the gallbladder when extra bile is needed to digest dietary fat. With no gallbladder, there isn't always enough bile to process excess dietary fat, so it remains in the liver, and builds up, thus the term, "Fatty Liver". No worries. Just eat less or no fatty food, and if you continue to have issues, such as pain near the liver area, unusually yellow urine, yellow stools or a yellow color to the whites of your eyes,always consult your physician. I hope this helps.