Cardiac Electrophysiologist Questions Cardiologist

Is coronary artery bypass surgery a major surgery?

My doctor said I needed coronary artery bypass surgery. Is coronary artery bypass surgery a major surgery?

6 Answers

yes. It is considered a major surgery.
Yes, it is.
It is a major operation but in good hands and a low risk patient, the risk of dying for just bypass surgery is less than 5%…
Yes. Coronary bypass surgery is major surgery but in many cases it can be life saving. The risks involved depend upon a number of factors such as the overall function of your heart before surgery,the condition of your lungs and kidneys prior to any surgery, the presence of hardening of the arteries in other places in the body and many other things as well. All of the risks should be discussed in detail with your surgeon prior to undergoing surgery. For a patient in otherwise good health with good ability of the heart to eject blood on each beat the risk of dying from bypass surgery should be 1-2%-roughly the same as having gallbladder surgery or a hysterectomy
Yes, this is a major surgery.
Yes. It is open heart surgery.