Phychiatrist Questions Physical Therapist

Is physical therapy good for arthritis?

I have knee arthritis. Is physical therapy good for arthritis?

7 Answers

Absolutely! Getting set up on a home exercise program that is tailored specifically to your strengths and weaknesses and flexibility would greatly benefit your arthritic joints.
Yes, physical therapy does help with arthritic pain and to help with joint stiffness. It is best to have a treatment plan and goals with your physician and physical therapist.
Yes it is, but in moderation. No pain no gain is not what should be discussed here anymore!! However, especially with the knee, motion is lotion!!!
Yes. I would recommend both PT and OT evaluation.
Physical Therapy can teach you how to prevent further injury, But it will not change what is already there. I usually recommend pool exercises for lower body because they unweight the joint.
Best action: Get some exercises that don't cause pain. Use Castor oils overnight on the arthritic Joints that you can. Must be organic, Hexane free, cold pressed castor oil.
Yes, PT can help with arthritis. Various exercises, modalities and biomechanical corrections can rectify, prevent and treat arthritis.