Nephrologist (Kidney Specialist) Questions Nephrologist

Kidney issue?

I had blood in my urine just once. I had a camera look into my bladder it was clear now I am to have a CT scan on my kidneys which I am worried about and don't really want to have it done.

Female | 78 years old
Complaint duration: 1 day
Medications: None
Conditions: Weak bladder

3 Answers

Blood in the urine is NOT normal. Cystoscopy (camera is the bladder) is one step to evaluate that. Uro CT scan is another step and is required to complete the evaluation and find the source of the bleed. I would go for it.
Standard practice for investigating the cause of blood in the urine includes blood, urine, and radiology tests.  A urologist will also need to look into your bladder.  That last test is probably the most difficult test to have done.  A CT scan would help to finish your investigation as to why you had blood in your urine.  This is a good way to may sure you do not have tumors in your urinary system.  You may need to have an additional blood test done prior to the CT scan to make sure your kidneys can handle the injected dye, if that will be needed during the CT scan.  I think having the CT scan would be a wise decision.  
I am not sure why you are concerned about the CT Scan, but it is the best next step. Thankfully you do not have bladder cancer as your bladder test was negative, but the scan is mandatory to evaluate for kidney lesions which might bleed, which include kidney cancer, non cancerous cysts, or other lesions. Kidney cancer is potentially life threatening, so if you have it, finding it and having surgery might save your life.

Cynthia Point, MD