Neurologist Questions

LS spine MRI results

Overweight since I was young, chronic lower back pain with sciatica and pain radiating into thighs and buttocks (mostly right handside), numb big toes (both). Chronically cold feet (wearing socks in summer even). I was diagnosed with Lipedema earlier this year and Phlebologist suggested I see Othro to check lower back, suspecting an issue in my LS spine (possibly L5S1 compression?). Ortho sent me for an MRI.

I have now recieved the MRI results but even with my basic medical knowledge it's all latin to me and the results are in Polish, so putting it though the translator maybe makes them even more obscure. I can't get an appointment with the Ortho until one becomes avaliable again (checking daily, might be a while due to summer holidays).

Please help me understand this, and ease my extreme health anxiety (self advocation and being heard is hard when one is not normal in size or from another country). I don't have access to imaging, as they are on CD and well, I don't own a CD reader anymore lol

"The examination was performed in TSE T2, TSE T1, STIR review sequences in cross-sectional
sagittal and transverse sections with a layer thickness of 4 mm.
Slight deepening of the physiological lordosis of the LS spine, angulation of the sacrum.
Multilevel presence of degenerative changes in the intervertebral joints and
degenerative thickening of the yellow ligaments with narrowing of the spinal canal.
Multilevel overload changes in the m/f joints.
At the level of Th12-L1 and L1-L2, features of dehydration and slight lowering of the height of the intervertebral disc were visible.
Th12-L1 and L1-L2 show signs of dehydration and a slight decrease in the height of the intervertebral disc, in addition at the level of:
-Th12-L1 posterior mediolateral protrusion of approximately 3-4 mm with deflection of the meningeal sac,
without features of collision at this examination
-L1-L2 posterior medial-left protrusion protruding intradurally for approx. 6 mm,
slightly displaced upwards subcondylar with deflection of the meningeal sac, slight
narrowing of the left otica m/f at this level, possible positional collision of the left otica m/f at this level
otica m/f at this level, correlation with clinical picture necessary
Height of the vertebral bodies preserved.
Multilevel uneven contours of the border lamellae of the vertebral bodies with the image of Schmorl's nodules.
Multilevel presence of a few small zones with a diameter of up to approx. 7 mm with the image of hemangiomas.
image of hemangiomas.
On the edges of the stems there are degenerative changes.
Spinal cone visible at the Th12 level with normal signal.
The sagittal dimension of the spinal canal at the level of L1-L2 is approximately 10.4 mm - stenosis."

Female | 40 years old
Complaint duration: >10years
Medications: OTC pain meds, vitamins, berberine
Conditions: All listed above

2 Answers

This very detailed report lists numerous changes all of which are due to degenerative joint disease. that is, arthritis. No evidevce of cancer, pinched nerves or other serious problems are found Leon Rosenberg
Sounds like you have a lot going on. See if you can have your primary send you to a Neurosurgeon and Neurologist so that they can coordinate the best approach to your problems. Also consider a vigorous weight loss program.  Good luck.