Pulmonologist Questions

Low Blood Oxygen Levels in the 70's

How can I get a Doctor to give me oxygen therapy until i can have a sleep study done to get a CPAP machine? Where do I go?


For the past three weeks, I've been experiencing alarming episodes of extremely low oxygen levels during my sleep. These episodes are characterized by my blood oxygen saturation dropping into the 70s for a duration of about 30 minutes. These occurrences happen only when I am sleeping, leading to severe sleep deprivation and a fear for my safety. As I transition into deeper sleep, my oxygen levels plummet, triggering an adrenaline response that wakes me up. Paradoxically, as I become more sleep-deprived, the episodes worsen, as my brain struggles to wake me from increasingly severe oxygen desaturation.


Oxygen saturation consistently drops into the 70s during these episodes.
Sleep disruptions due to adrenaline surges caused by low oxygen levels.
Severe sleep deprivation, impacting daily functioning and overall well-being.

Male | 47 years old
Complaint duration: 21
Medications: Allopurinol
Conditions: Gout

1 Answer

From your history, I suspect you have obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. If you have difficulty, falling asleep, frequent nighttime arousals, early morning headaches, dry mouth, and feeling infested on waking wake up, combined with daytime sleepiness, you have a high risk for OSAS.

I would recommend you see a sleep specialist in your area and undergo a sleep study or polysomnogram. This will confirm the diagnosis of not just OSAS, but also nocturnal desaturations.