Chiropractor Questions Lumbar Injections

Lumbar injections

Had back injections 2 weeks ago now having pain lower back sides hips thighs groin and legs why

Male | 58 years old
Complaint duration: 14days
Conditions: Diabetes

12 Answers

That's a great question. Pain developing 2 weeks after a procedure makes it hard to say the Injections were the cause. If your getting injection therapy in the "BACK: that's typically.for ESI and most likely a chronic condition already existed. Also I noticed the diabetes which steroid injections can cause havoc with blood sugar monitor that and discuss with pain management doc.

OK basically you could have a worsening of the condition. I routinely caution patients that the injections will help them feel better bit your not healed. Therefore, no strenuous activity. No golf light duty at work etc.

Another possibility is The anti inflammation properties of the shot wore off and the pain is back.

In either case you need a follow up and re examination to compare you current exam findings with the new ones.
Sounds like your hips, any arthritis going on there.
I can relieve inflammation around nerves and get rid of pain
Call my office 212 243 5515
Injections have different impact on different people. You seem to be suffering from Nerve pinch possibly due to a possible lumbar spine multi segmental disc injury. Discuss with your pain management physician he can guid you to solution and recommend an MRI’ of lumbar spine.
all the best
Dr Romina
IG: @DrRominaG
There are many reasons the pain comes back after injections. Please call your provider for a more in depth answer. You could have a disc problem or your diabetes if not controled can also cause pain. best bet is to talk to your doctor about this issue.
Injections only make you not feel the pain, they don’t correct anything. So once they wear off the pain returns.
I would refer you back to the doctor who did the injections.
I would first let the Health Care provider know this who gave you the back injections. See what they say. In general though, injections have different effects on people. Some people have excellent results with longer term results. While others don’t receive any relief. I would recommend seeing a Chiropractor if you haven’t already.
There are many variables as to why your back is hurting from epidural injection. According to , epidural injections can cause serious side effects such as weight gain, nerve damage, paralysis, auto immune disorders, stroke and damage to blood vessels. We encourage seeking non surgical conservative options to relieve your pain.
Sorry. I can’t really respond because I don’t know your history, diagnosis, location of injection, type, symptoms before and now. I would speak to your doctor.

Jay H Schwartz, DC, DIBCN, DIBE
Contact the Doctor's office to let them know your symptoms post injections. This can happen at times depending on where injections were performed. But you need to follow up with your doctor, most importantly.
What kind of injections did you have? Steroid? HA? PRP/ Stem cell?
A nerve may be irritated from the injections or the muscles are inflamed from the injections. Try stretching and using a heating pad to see if that brings any relief. Also try to stay moving such as not sitting down longer than 20 minutes if you don’t have to.