Oncologist | Medical Oncology Questions Oncologist

My brother in law has several issues going on since being diagnosed with stage 1 lung cancer?

He had half a left lung removed with stage 1 cancer and then started having problems with his feet. They told him he had a bunion no one would help him with now they are saying its hammertoe. He then had swelling in his elbow from fluid build-up in the arm from a scratch it was yellow and blood-colored which they have drained 3 times and soon as they drain its back the next day and now he has swelling in the knee which looks like fluid build-up. Also, all of this is developed on the left side which is where lung cancer was found could this be connected?

Male | 62 years old
Complaint duration: 1 year
Conditions: just the cancer

1 Answer

Hello. There are many paraneoplastic syndromes associated with lung cancers. The most common occur with squamous cell cancer or with small cell lung cancer. Often these syndromes can appear as the first manifestation of cancer recurrence. The syndrome of pulmonary osteoarthropathy can occur with adenocarcinomas. There is a good review of these syndromes authored by Kanoji Noruhiro, in World journal of Clinical Oncology, 8/10/2014 pages 197-223 entitled Paraneoplastic syndromes associated with lung cancer.

The majority of these syndromes are either endocrinological or neurological in origin. The above syndrome is also associated with adenocarcinomas.

I am presuming that your relative has been evaluated for tumor recurrence? My suggestion would be to discuss the findings related in the above article with his oncologist and obtain the appropriate testing.
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