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Nose infection?

I will just cut straight to the point for the past month I have been using cocaine frequently as of today I am five days clean. I am noticing that my nose is very sore and burns my snot is very green and yellow and bloody the inside of my nostril has white patches. I’m very congested I have pain in the back of my eyes, red ears, and watery eyes. I also had the flu 2 weeks ago and am still recovering, I’ve been blowing my nose a lot since the flu and I know that doesn’t really help with my situation either. I have been reading a lot online and assume I may have a sinus infection but I’m very nervous to go in and tell my doctor everything. I have a saline nasal wash, nasal spray, peroxide, mupirocin ointment, and also doxycycline I got but never used. I was wondering if all do that would treat whatever I have without having to go to ER or doctors.

Female | 20 years old
Conditions: Asthma and allergies

2 Answers

Cocaine use will increase your risk for nasal infections and can also cause vasoconstriction of the mucosa inside your nose.
This will lead to necrosis parentheses (death of the tissue) And long-term complications. You should seek efficient addiction treatment for stimulant abuse ASAP
Great job staying sober for the past 5 days. There are lots of resources out there to help.

You really do need to talk with your doctor about the infection. You shouldn’t be scared to tell her what’s actually going on. It’s your doctors role to treat you and to be caring and accepting. Most importantly an infection in your nose can become very serious and deadly because it can rapidly spread to other parts of head. This is especially risky because you damaged your mucous membranes by using the cocaine. If your primary care can see you same day start with that, otherwise go to the emergency room bc this can rapidly become serious and it’s not worth the risk. Your records are private and no one needs to know what happened unless you want them too so don’t let fear get in the way of you seeking care and be honest with the doctor about what happened so they know what to do to help.
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