Pulmonologist Questions

Possible tear in Trachea - feeling of trapped air

I have suspicion that I had my trachea torn years ago during a nose surgery (from the anesthesiology), and have had some air under my skin sensations. Should I be able to get literal air bubbles when I am giving myself a testosterone shot, and draw back to make sure that I am not in a blood vessel? I can see air drops go into the syringe and through the testosterone oil and fill up where the plunger was moved to. I am mainly curious if there is normally air bubbles in muscles or is this possibly a proof that I need to get my trachea checked.

Male | 44 years old
Complaint duration: 6 years, but not as serious as when it first happened

1 Answer

Hmmm I would be interested to know what the physician who prescribed the testosterone injection would say The second thing I would be curious about is what a chest X-ray would look like? Good luck Barbara A Stewart, MD, FCCP, FAAP Pediatric Pulmonologist