Oncologist Questions Oncologist

Primary thrombocytosis

I have cough for around a month. I did my cbc and it stated absolute lymphocyte count is 3.54 and platelet count 452 rest all was normal. I repeated my cbc where absolute lymphocyte count reduced to 3.17 but my platelet count has increased to 466. Is there anything to worry about? I mean regarding thrombocytosis. Is there any chances of primary thrombocytosis?

Female | 36 years old
Complaint duration: 1 month
Medications: Asthalin dx syrup, aten 20
Conditions: Cough, headache, bruises on leg, heavy menstrual period

1 Answer

Hello, You are a 38 year old woman with several symptoms including a persistently elevated platelet count. Normal platelet counts in individuals are between 150000 and 400000. Counts above 450000 are considered elevated. There are several reasons for this elevation. Essential thrombocytosis, abnormal production of platelet by the bone marrow, is one possibility. More commonly underlying inflammatory diseases can be a reason. Sometimes a person may have a normally elevated platelet count. There are several molecular changes in bone marrow cells that can be attributed to elevated platelet counts. Abnormal blood clots can sometimes be a result of elevated platelet counts. Complications of these may be strokes. A good place to find out more information is online through a Mayo Clinic discussion. WWW.newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org is an excellent place to review this condition. For your concerns it might be best to have a consultation with a hematologist for a complete evaluation.