OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

Protected sex during chlamydia?

I am currently having treatment for chlamydia with doxycycline. My boyfriend (negative for chlamydia) pressured me into having sex with him insisting as long as we had a condom it would be okay. I said yes, I was curious if I am still having treatment is there any way I could have given it back to myself and have to undergo more treatment? I have got him to get a test, it was protected but want to be sure. Will this have stopped the treatment from working for me?

Female | 19 years old
Complaint duration: n/a
Medications: Doxycycline
Conditions: Chlamydia

2 Answers

If I am following you correctly, you were positive for Chlamydia, he is negative and he was wearing a condom. The concern would be for YOU to potentially give it to HIM, while you were being treated, as I am unsure if the sexual encounter was on day 1 or day 7 of your treatment course. The rec is to abstain from sex for the 7 days you are on therapy.
You will not reinfect yourself while on treatment. There will be no need to prolong treatment, either. Your boyfriend was foolish. Condoms can break. If you have not been tested for syphilis and HIV, you should. Also, please be sure you are vaccinated against HPV. I wish you well.