Veterinarian Questions Veterinarian

Puncture wound with a needle?

While restraining a cat for a blood draw, the cat jumped up and the needle came out of the cat's vein into my hand. It went really deep. Right between my pinky and ring finger. A little bit to the right of the knuckle. Right away it started to tingle and was red and puffy. It is now 12 hours later. It is bruised and is still tingling. I can move my fingers, it’s just uncomfortable. My fingers are also ice-cold.

Female | 18 years old
Complaint duration: 1 Day
Medications: N/A
Conditions: N/A

3 Answers

You do not ask a question, but I assume you are wondering about what are your risks and what should you do. I think that your risks are that of any puncture wound. You do not specify why the cat was being treated, but not likely for a blood infection that can be transmitted to you. We worry about some pathogens from cat bites and cat scratches but the risk is relatively low for you.

You need a tetanus booster shot if you have not had it in the recent past. Most doctors would prescribe an antibiotic and I would agree. But above all you should see a doctor and let her...or him.....decide.
See a doctor ASAP. Cat related injuries can lead to nasty infections.

Section Head, Section of Allergy and Immunology
Member, Section of Infectious Diseases
Professor, OUWB School of Medicine
William Beaumont Hospital - Royal Oak
3535 West 13 Mile, Suite 605
Royal Oak, Michigan 48073
Mobile 2488912451
Patient Office 2485510495
Fax 2485517268
Thanks for the question. Your risk is infection from your own skin, generally Staphylococcus or Streptococcus, or from the cat - same organisms, Pasteurella. There is no risk of viral transmission except if the cat has rabies. Your doctor will recommend antibiotics and post-exposure rabies prophylaxis. I wish you the best.