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Should I have surgery for an abdominal hernia?

I was diagnosed with an abdominal hernia. Should I have surgery for an abdominal hernia?

2 Answers

Whether or not you should have surgery for an abdominal hernia depends on several factors, including the type and size of the hernia, your overall health, and your symptoms. Here are some considerations to help you make an informed decision:

1. **Type of Hernia**: There are different types of abdominal hernias, including inguinal hernias (groin), umbilical hernias (around the navel), ventral hernias (abdominal wall), and hiatal hernias (upper stomach). The type and location of your hernia can influence the decision.

2. **Size of Hernia**: The size of the hernia is a crucial factor. Smaller hernias may not always require surgery, while larger ones often do. A healthcare provider will assess the size of the hernia during a physical examination or imaging tests.

3. **Symptoms**: Some hernias are asymptomatic and do not cause pain or discomfort. If your hernia is causing symptoms such as pain, pressure, or digestive issues, surgery may be recommended to alleviate these symptoms.

4. **Risk of Complications**: Hernias can lead to complications, including incarceration (when the hernia is trapped), strangulation (when blood supply to the hernia is compromised), and bowel obstruction. These are serious conditions that may require emergency surgery.

5. **Your Overall Health**: Your general health and any underlying medical conditions are important factors. Your healthcare provider will assess your fitness for surgery and your ability to tolerate anesthesia and the procedure.

6. **Lifestyle Considerations**: If your hernia is affecting your daily life, work, or physical activities, you may choose to have surgery to improve your quality of life.

7. **Expectant Management**: In some cases, especially with small, asymptomatic hernias, your healthcare provider may recommend watchful waiting or expectant management. This means keeping an eye on the hernia's size and symptoms over time without immediate surgery.

8. **Surgical Options**: If surgery is recommended, there are different surgical approaches, including open surgery and minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery. Your surgeon will discuss the best approach for your specific hernia.

It's essential to have a thorough discussion with your healthcare provider or a surgeon to weigh the pros and cons of surgery for your abdominal hernia. They will consider your individual circumstances, and together, you can make an informed decision about the most appropriate course of action. If you have concerns or questions about your hernia or the recommended treatment, don't hesitate to seek a second opinion from another medical professional.
If there is pain, then yes.