Ophthalmology Questions

Splashed isopropyl alcohol in my eye

I accidentally splashed a couple of small drops of isopropyl alcohol in my eye when I was closing the bottle. immediately flushed it out with water and did that several times over the next few minutes period now wondering what i should look for and what i should do next

Male | 61 years old
Complaint duration: a few minutes
Medications: Enalapril
Conditions: high blood pressure

1 Answer

Chemical injuries to the eye can be serious. Prevention is key with safety glasses. Immediately flushing the eye with water may have saved you From damage. Emergency rooms are equipped to flush out the eye and would prefer you to an ophthalmologist. It would be prudent to be evaluated by an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. Signs that there are a problems would be pain, redness, tearing or blurred vision.