Doctor Questions Doctor

Sporadic symptoms?

I had a panic attack after being stung by a wasp and I remember this as the (start). Since then I’ve slowly spiraled with symptoms which include:

-Weird/ blurry vision
-Stabbing pains in chest and lungs
-Weird tastes
-Muscle throbs
-Trouble breathing
-Feeling like throwing up
-Chest pains
-Bubble in the throat
-Random numbness in extremities
-Radiating pains under arm to thumb, from spine to extremities
-Messy thoughts
-Varying GERD symptoms
-Mucus in throat
-Heart palpitations
-Throat clicking
-Feeling of right neck and jaw tightening and releasing
-Alternating pain/weakness in left and right scapula muscles

I’m not sure at this point if I’m just a depressed anxious hypochondriac or if there’s something actually going on, the physical symptoms can be overwhelming at times though. I also have an access, smaller since I drained it on my jaw from when I had my wisdom teeth removed in January of 2020. Since then I’ve gotten 3 cavities and I’ve NEVER had cavities before.

Complaint duration: 2 months
Medications: Omeprazol

5 Answers

You should see a functional or alternative Medicine doctor to investigate and treat this. I can help.
I think the first thing you need to do is return to the oral surgeon’s office. He may be able to help you! You certainly need to follow up with some sort of a medical/ dental professional to give you the correct guidance.
Your situation is very complicated. I would recommend a comprehensive
psychiatric evaluation,
I would seek immediate medical attention.
Wow! Sounds like a job for a physician with knowledge of venomous insects , your specific medical health history and medications already being taken- pretty sure it’s not a result of teeth..
Best of luck!!