Emergency Physician Questions


I'm really scared of pain and really scared of needles but I need to get my stitches out because I had foot surgery on Thursday what can I do to minimize my discomfort my fear and my Zaidi and pain levels can I have a painless stitch removal?

3 Answers

Hello, this can be very anxiety producing! If the wound has been cleaned of any blood or dried fluids using a wet Q-tip and keep moist with antibiotic ointment it keeps the pulling sensation and discomfort to a minimum. You have already been through the worst getting stitches. The removal is so much easier. Best wishes to you!
Good news! Removing stitches doesn't require needles and has minimal discomfort. You might feel a little tugging as the suture is lifted and then snipped to remove from the skin but nothing significant. Try visualizing the process to help decrease your anxiety before the sutures are removed. You'll do great.
Whoever is going to remove the stitches could apply a topical anesthetic cream, e.g. EMLA or LMX. however suture removal is not painful since there are no sharp instruments or needles used. it will be far easier to remove the sutures than it was to place them. You can do this . Karen Stavile, MD