Adolescent Psychiatrist Questions

Stress headaches

Ive been having stress headaches everyday for around a month now. I take famotidine 25mg for acid reflux. I’m a female. I’m 13. I weigh 125lbs. Ive been taking Anti stress gummies the last couple days but I’m still getting stress headaches. They’re interfering with my day to day life. And I have to skip events because of them.

Female | 13 years old
Complaint duration: Month
Medications: Famotdine 25mg
Conditions: Migraines; acid reflux

1 Answer

There are multiple issues related to headaches. Without a full history, it is difficult to give you the best path forward. You state these are stress headaches. Evaluate and decrease your level of stress. Reduce your sugar intake and intake of processed foods. Change diet to include more fat, and less carbohydrates. Do you have Smart Meter on your house? Consider having it removed. How much time to you spend on screens? Decrease your screen time to less than 2 hours per day. Again, without a full evaluation, my advise is limited. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email.