Nephrologist (Kidney Specialist) Questions

Sudden kidney faliure

my mother, 60, had surgery to remove an abdominal aneurysm in June and since than has lost the function of both her kidneys as a side effect.
As of today she still hasn't recovered. She can't eat anything salty since it tastes too salty and goes on only on yogurts, which of course, isn't enough ( she's eating less than 600 Kal x day).
Not eating makes her tired an unable to do most things. On top of that, dialysis drains her of that little energy that is left.
In our local hospital it's the first time something like this happened and doctors don't seem to understand what is wrong. All of the previous patients had gotten into dialysis slowly and not so suddenly.
I would like to know if it's normal for her recovery to take so long and if the loss in appetite is something to be concerned about. She

Female | 60 years old
Conditions: kidney failure

1 Answer

This could be cortical necrosis or atheroembolic disease, both of which unfortunately do not recover. Her kidney doctor should monitor labs and urine output for recovery