Adolescent Psychiatrist Questions


Hello, I was recently prescribed 5mg of Abilify from my psychiatrist. He told me to start it right away, after stoping my Topomax medication. However, he didn’t tell me to gradually stop the Topomax medication. My thoughts are because I am on 25mg twice a day on Topomax which is the lowest dose it goes I believe. But.. then when I went to pick up my medication at the pharmacy they told me not to mix these two medications #1 & #2 that they recommended I gradually come off Topomax for example take 25mg once a day for a week and then stop it and start the Abilify after that. The reason why is because I could have withdrawals if I were to stop it completely cold turkey since I been on it for 8weeks. Any input on if I should stick with going the route of 25mg of Topomax for one week like the pharmacy said or quit cold turkey and start Abilify right away after that??

Female | 24 years old
Medications: Propranolol, Vitamin D, Topomax, Zoloft

1 Answer

Your prescribing doctor should be informed about what the pharmacist told you, and make a final decision. Clinical experience of your doctor is an important factor here. Marilyn Benoit MD