Infertility Specialist Questions OB-GYN

Trouble getting pregnant?

I am 20 years old and trying to get pregnant with my husband but no matter how many times we try, even while I'm ovulating, I can't seem to get pregnant. We have been trying for about a year now. Does this mean I'm not able to get pregnant or is it just a coincidence?

Female | 20 years old
Complaint duration: 1 year

4 Answers

You and your husband need to have an evaluation, if over a year of trying without success.
Your husband needs a sperm evaluation and you need a hysterosalpingogram to see if your fallopian tubes are blocked.
I would see a OBGYN for an infertility work up. The patency of your Fallopian tubes ( making sure the tubes are open) as well as a semen analysis seems warranted. Timing coitus to LH surge is important.
Since it has been a year of trying with ovulation, recommend you to see an OBGyn for further help. Take care!