Family Practitioner Questions Family Practitioner

Visceral fat?

I have what they call Hard Belly (visceral fat) for the last 3-4 years. I had lost all my weight and then started noticing what looked like a basketball in my abdomen. I was told the ONLY thing for this was Egrifta, which I tried over a year and it only increased in size. I have gained 25 pounds since it started and no one seems to be concerned about it except me. Is there any way to have at least most of this removed, I feel like it is causing problems that my Dr is blaming on something else.

Male | 80 years old
Complaint duration: Approx 3 years
Medications: Symtusa, Chlorthalidone, Pantoprazole
Conditions: am HIV

1 Answer

I recommend you to see a specialist, they need to check if that is visceral fat and no something else. If is visceral fat I think the only way to get rid of it is through plastic surgery

Thank you ,
Luz A López , md
Ohana Kids & Family Kare