Doctor Questions Doctor

Weight loss?

I’m considered overweight for my height and I’ve been trying so hard to lose weight but it seems impossible. I’m a 21 year old female, I’m 4ft 11in and I weigh 133lbs. I’m 8 months postpartum. If I went to my doctors, would they even do anything like prescribe me weight loss pills?

Female | 21 years old

1 Answer

Believe it or not, medications to assist with weight loss are blessings if used correctly. I recommend that you go online to: and find a bariatric physician in your area to assist you with getting your body back to having the ability to burn fat and not just take carbohydrates and store them. In the meantime, avoid sugar, wheat, fast food and processed food. Those are recipes for creating fat and not burning it. Good healthy animal protein and minimizing carbohydrates is a great place to start until you can get the help from a good bariatrician.