Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

What activities to avoid with neck pain?

I have neck pain. What activities to avoid with neck pain?

5 Answers

Any activity you are able to do. You must be mindful and careful with doing anything. Just use caution and if your not sure about doing it based on safety. Do not do it.
It all depends on what type of neck injury u have.
It's too vague
Crossfit handstand push ups, sitting at a computer too long, improper posture should all be avoided. Aggressive chiropractic adjustments and “cracking” should be avoided.
A big activity I see often is texting. Bending the head down to text can cause tons of pain. Bring your phone up to eye level
Avoid looking down for long periods of time while using your phone or reading a book. If you are doing these activities, try to bring your phone or book up to eye level to avoid increased strain on the back of her neck.