Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

What are the treatment methods for alcohol addiction?

I have an alcohol addiction. What are the treatment methods for alcohol addiction?

9 Answers

Treatment methods for alcohol addiction typically include a combination of therapy, counseling, support groups, and medication. These approaches are designed to address the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of addiction. ChoicePoint Addiction Treatment Center provides a range of evidence-based treatments and personalized care to help individuals overcome alcohol addiction and achieve lasting recovery.
AA, Celebrate Recovery, Teen Challenge
Abstinence/Sobriety, groups, getting a sponsor, wanting to change, willing to fight to fight daily to overcome, letting go of people, places, and things that are connected to the addiction behavior and practice, getting a positive/healthy support system, and attend weekly counseling individual sessions.
Stop drinking alcohol and drink more juice and water more
Detox:if needed when withdrawal symptoms are present, more than anything to prevent Seizures. residential and outpatient programs. Medication management such as Naltrexone, CBT, Aa or Smart recovery as well as Coaching
Those with alcohol addiction must first believe themselves that they have an alcohol problem and truly want help. If that is not first and foremost, the changes won't take. This is ACT, acceptance and commitment therapy. If the person is a heavy drinker, they will need med assisted detox so they don't die or suffer extreme neurological problems. There are meds to take after detox to help with neurological problems so that the person does not go back to drinking to self-medicate. After inpatient is IOP (intensive outpatient therapy). Someone can go to a treatment facility and get an assessment to be placed at the correct level of care. The time spent in each level of care is somewhat subjective. After IOP is individual outpatient therapy. Some appreciate individual therapy with group therapy or AA. Everyone is different. The main piece is being real with ourselves. Until we're ready to be real with ourselves, we can't get help with anything.
There so many, I strongly believe Bowen theory and cbt, behavioral modification (combined) is one of the most effective
Treatment involves counseling, such as behavioral therapy, and medications that reduce the desire to drink. Some people need medical detoxification to stop drinking safely. Mutual support groups help people stop drinking, manage relapses and cope with necessary lifestyle changes.
In addition to AA, craving reducing medications, now there’s a novel method still off-label targeted TMS. Lots of research supporting this at this time. Put all of them together because you need all of them to fight this addiction!