Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncturist

What are the treatment options for leg nerve pain?

I have leg nerve pain. What are the treatment options for leg nerve pain?

9 Answers

The great thing about Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) of which acupuncture is part of, is there are many ways to approach treating a healthcare issue. You could treat leg pain with acupuncture locally or distally, using acupuncture you can treat based on channel/meridians theory or based on symptoms or can use a constitutional diagnostic approach. In addition to needles in TCM, you can treat using different kinds of heat, various forms of stimulation, electro-acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medical herbal formulas, magnets, dry needling, topical herbal preparations, intradermal needles, Chinese massage and much much more. So what I tell patients is to come three (maximum five) times and if there is no improvement or change then maybe try another acupuncture practitioner. It is also very important to go to a Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac.) who is trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine and therefore know that acupuncture is part of a vast medical science and much more than just using needles.
You can try acupuncture treatment, it could help you.
Diet quit smoking if you do
I hope that the nerve pain you are derscribing here, are the words the doctor explained it to you. Then you can proceed to explain more clearly the situation in your daily life.

For your options, any therapist you will see will do an intake on their web or at the forst visit. Then they will proceed with a plan of treatments.

Massage therapy, reflexology, food allergies, cranio sacral therapy and so many others. They are all there for you to be better.

In Ear reflexology, the therapist will follow a protocol leading her to the ear points that needs to be triggered with a cold laser pen. you should feel improvements and by the same token understands why your body was creating a pain in the nerves of your legs.

Take care!
Acupuncture works really well for nerve pain.
I do not know all the options for treatments for leg nerve pain. I am an acupuncturist and acupuncture can be helpful in providing relief from nerve pain
Acupuncture, combined with massage and herbs, can help relieve leg nerve pain gradually.
You can try acupuncture for nerve pain, It can be sciatica or neuropathy. A lot of options out there!
Treatment options will depend on what, exactly, is causing the nerve pain.

You might have type 2 diabetes which is causing diabetic neuropathy. If this is the case, treating the diabetes and getting a handle on your blood sugar can sometimes go a long way towards improving the pain. Acupuncture, physical therapy, prescription meds, and/or exercise can all help to manage the pain, though, in my experience, the degree of pain management is going to be directly related to your ability to keep your blood sugar under control.

You might have a pinched nerve in your low back. If this is the case, physical therapy, exercise, yoga, acupuncture, chiropractic, or TaiJi could all potentially improve your situation. If something in the low spine is severely impinged, surgery might be your best option for relief.

You might have a vitamin deficiency leading to degradation of the nerves and pain. If this is the case, correcting the diet and, potentially, adding some supplements will be required to get things back on track for you. Acupuncture, physical therapy, and/or exercise can all help to manage the pain while the body repairs itself.

You might be getting exposure to environmental toxins either through your workplace or from your hobbies. If this is the case, the first step will be to identify the agent or agents and then limit or cease your exposure. Some toxins accumulate in the body and are difficult to impossible to eliminate. Depending on the substance, chelation therapy can sometimes help. Acupuncture can help to manage the pain while you figure out how to limit exposure and whether anything can be done for any toxins accumulated in your system.

Some cancers and most chemo treatments will cause nerve pain. This usually becomes a management situation and acupuncture can be extremely useful in the case of chemo induced neuropathy.

You might have an injury - even an old one that has further degraded - that is now pressing on a nerve or nerves and causing pain. In this case, prescription drugs, acupuncture, physical therapy, and exercise could all play a role in getting things back to normal.

You could have one of a variety of inflammatory diseases or conditions where fluid build up from inflammation is pressing on one or more nerves. Anti-inflammatory meds can help in this case. Acupuncture still has a role due to its ability to down regulate the immune system and lower systemic inflammation. There may be more specific treatments based on what particular disease process we're talking about.

As you can see, it's not as simple as "I have x, how do I treat it?"