Bariatric Surgeon Questions surgeon

What foods should you avoid after gastric sleeve?

I will have a gastric sleeve. What foods should you avoid after gastric sleeve?

4 Answers

After any bariatric procedure patients are advised to avoid concentrated sweets and to avoid carbonation.
After gastric sleeve surgery, it is important to follow specific dietary guidelines to ensure proper healing and long-term success. Here are some foods you should generally avoid or consume in moderation after gastric sleeve surgery:

1. Carbonated beverages: These can cause discomfort and gas buildup.
2. Sugary foods and drinks: These can lead to dumping syndrome (rapid movement of food from the stomach to the small intestine) or hinder weight loss.
3. High-fat foods: These can contribute to weight regain or digestive issues.
4. Tough meats: These are difficult to digest and may cause discomfort.
5. Fibrous vegetables: Raw vegetables with high fiber content may be challenging for digestion initially but can be gradually reintroduced over time.
6. Bread, rice, pasta, and other starchy foods: Consume these in moderation as they are high in carbohydrates.

Remember to consult your healthcare provider or a registered dietitian who specializes in bariatric nutrition for personalized dietary recommendations based on your specific needs and stage of recovery after surgery.
Depending on how far after surgery you are. Initially, you should be on a liquid diet. Once the stomach heals, your surgeon will advance you to pureed diet, then will allow solid food. Long term, avoid big chunky hard to digest food like big pieces of steak. These can cause blockage
Follow Bariatric diet and nutrition.