Acupuncturist Questions Pain Management Specialist

What helps with back hernia pain?

I have a back hernia and it hurts bad. What helps with back hernia pain?

6 Answers

yes, acupuncture and do not lift heavy
Massage and acupuncture, probably combined with herbs, should relieve your back hernia pain gradually.
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Try acupuncture.
You can try acupuncture, it may help you.
Massages, topical NSAIDs and Acupuncture with Moxibustion. Must loose weight if BMI over 27.
If we're talking about a herniated disk, there are a few things that might help:

1. staying active/time. A lot of times a herniated disk will improve somewhat on its own. Stay active, use heat on the area (NO ICE), and eventually the pain may subside.

2. Acupuncture/PT/Chiropractic. Any of these could potentially help reduce the pain. Acupuncture in particular will also address some of the inflammation which will contribute to pain reduction.

3. Medication. This is nerve pain - a portion of the disk is pressing on one or more spinal nerve roots as they exit between the vertebrae. There's not a lot of meds in the prescription arsenal that will work for this, but there are a few.

4. Surgery. You can have a neurosurgeon go in and clean up the herniated disk.

Most providers are going to hold on surgery until they see that nothing else is working. If you choose to try acupuncture, you're going to get your best results from someone who is actually board certified and licensed as a practitioner of Chinese medicine - there are a lot of providers currently offering "acupuncture like" services, not all of them actually went to school for acupuncture. There IS a difference; if you wouldn't go to a podiatrist for brain surgery, don't go to anyone other than a licensed acupuncturist for acupuncture.

Otherwise, the treatment choice is up to you and what happens to be available in your area.