Acupuncturist Questions Sleep Medicine Specialist

What helps with insomnia?

I have insomnia. What helps with insomnia?

8 Answers

acupuncture, herbs, drugs, all sorts of things. Acupuncture treats the underlying cause(s).
Insomnia can be a complex issue with various potential causes, including stress, anxiety, lifestyle factors, and underlying health conditions. While acupuncture is one of the alternative therapies that some people find beneficial for improving sleep, it's important to approach insomnia with a holistic perspective. Here are some ways in which acupuncture and other strategies may help with insomnia:

Relaxation and Stress Reduction: Acupuncture is thought to promote relaxation and reduce stress by influencing the nervous system. Some people report improved sleep quality and reduced insomnia symptoms after acupuncture sessions.
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Insomnia can be relieved by massage, acupuncture and sometimes herbs. These modalities, often in combination, can be very effective in treating insomnia gradually. I suggest you try them.
acupuncture and herbals, and nutritional support
Acupuncture and herbal formulas can be very effective for insomnia. Turn off lights at bedtime and don't read any electronics 1/2 an hour before bed. It stimulates the brain.
You can try acupuncture.
Good afternoon, 1. Received. Thank you. 2. Acupuncture, Chinese medicine, and western medicine can all help insomnia. 3. For western medicine please contact your family doctor. For acupuncture and Chinese medicine, please contact your acupuncturist. 4. If you shall have any questions, please contact my office at (562) 698-3008. Happy Thanksgiving. David
As an acupuncturist, I have assisted many patients with improving their quantity and quality of sleep. If you are looking for other medical options it would be best to consult your physician. I hope this was helpful, Dr. Hallie