Geriatrician Questions Pulmonologist

What is the treatment for pulmonary embolism?

I was diagnosed with pulmonary embolism. What is the treatment for pulmonary embolism?

2 Answers

Variable. Sometimes trying to remove clot. Usually source in leg to watch. Usually anticoagulation slightly later.
Sorry to hear. These are very dangerous and can be life threatening. If this is your first, and hopefully only episode, the treatment if fully thinning out your blood so that the blood clot does not keep growing and affecting your ability to oxygenate your blood or put undue stress on the right side of your heart. With time your body will activate its ability to resolve the blood clot on its own. We do not treat only the clot that already occured, but in reality we treat the cause and the interim high risk for another clot from forming where the first one did. Most pulmonary emboli originate from the deep venous circulation of the lower extremities. So treatment is recommended for a minimum of 3 months or up to 6 months on a first even if it was provoked by something. Provoked means, if you did something or didn't do something which can be pin pointed as the reason why the clot occurred in the first place. If the clot is unprovoked then eventually more blood tests will be required to determine the cause, and a lifelong course of blood thinners may be recommended. Stay consistent with your treatment and follow up with your doctor.