Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

When is late talking a problem?

My daughter is 2 years old. She is not talking yet. When is late talking a problem?

4 Answers

Is she saying any words at all, i.e."mama" or"more"? Early intervention is super important(birth to 3). You can go to : and locate a licensed Speech and Language Pathologist near you. Best of luck. Karen Young, MS,CCC-SLP Sent from my T-Mobile 5G Device Get Outlook for Android<>
She should be talking by now. Some kids are delayed, but it might be a good idea to seek an evaluation with a licensed speech-language pathologist. Talk to your doctor for a referral. She may need some speech and language therapy so start with an evaluation.
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Between 2-2 1/2 would be a good time to look into early interventions if you are concerned about late talking. By around 2 children should be forming two word utterances and expanding from there. Check ins with your pediatrician would be great as well as looking into your state/area’s early intervention programs which will target speech therapy.

A late talker is between 18 to 30 months but has a little spoken vocabulary compared to peers their age in several domains (hearing, vision, motor, and cognitive ability). It is not uncommon for kids to begin talking at the age of three. Read books, have conversations, and implement imaginary play and open-ended questions to help with language development. If these things do not work after consistently implementing them, see your pediatrician. I hope this helps.