Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Why do I have thoughts about murdering people even though I would never act on it?

Occasionally I have thoughts about murdering people but I know I would never do it. Is there something wrong with my brain? I wasn't abused.

5 Answers

You must seek psychiatric care asap
Please see a psychiatrist for discussing this in more detail.
Most people can have those type of thoughts occur sporadically and just like you do. They realize the absurdity and conclude just as you have that it is something you would not carry through. If they are sporadic and infrequent and you realize and rationalize with similar moral constraints, then you should be fine. If, however, the thoughts become frequent and/or pervasive or you find yourself plotting to do such, then I suggest you seek the help of a psychologist and/or psychiatrist immediately.

This is very serious. Please go to the emergency room as soon as possible.
Thank you and take care.
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