Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Why does my eye hurt in the corner when I touch it?

My eye hurt in the corner when I touch it. What could be the cause? Should I see a doctor?

3 Answers

Any time there is pain, sensitivity, or inflammation, it would be wise to see an eye doctor. There are too many reasons to describe as to why your eye hurts. You should see someone who can look at the eye under a microscope, check your eye pressures, check for foreign bodies in the eye that may be causing the discomfort, and have your eyes dilated to be sure all internal areas of both eyes are OK. See an optometrist or an ophthalmologist ASAP, please.

Good luck and best wishes.
It could be infection or inflammation. Yes see eye doctor
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You may have angular blepharitis or perhaps a sty. See your ophthalmologist.